Let's face “Health Care for Mind and Body” ~I also do "Health Promotion Exercises" every day!

Dear employees,

“Kenko Zukuri (Sumitomo Riko’s original Health Building exercises to reduce back pain) Exercise is being implemented daily when we start work.

It’s good for us to continue to do this every day, isn’t it?

As I reported in my blog last October, our group has established the "Sumitomo Riko Group Health Management Declaration”.

We have publicly declared that “We aim to become a corporate group that is highly valued and trusted by society and one in which our employees are healthy and active by raising the health awareness of all our employees”.

The following three items are priority items for health management.

①Mental Health Initiatives

②Health Promotion Activities

③Measures against Passive Smoking and Smoking Cessation

The summary of the Group's health checkup shows that further improvement is expected in the promotion of non-smoking and exercise habits.

How I refresh myself

In addition to walking every morning, I play recreation volleyball (a type of volleyball that originated in Nagoya with no attacks or blocks) every weekend.

For recreation volleyball, we use a public gymnasium with time slots drawn by lottery because the gymnasium of a nearby elementary and junior high school is no longer available due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, sometimes the decision for using those facilities is made at the last minute, and more and more volleyball lovers who are available on that day and at that time gather in a hurry.

As a result, we often practice with people in their 10s to 60s who are not our regular members and whom we have never met before.

As you may have noticed, the social environment is very severe these days, and people around me often ask me how I manage to stay healthy under the stress.

In fact, it is very refreshing to meet this diverse group of members, and the many insights that I have gained have helped me to refresh myself mentally.

Thus, this recreational volleyball has also been very helpful in maintaining my mental health.

Together with you, Working and Living with Vitality

"Health is the foundation of everything.”

Ideally, the fulfillment of your OFF time will lead to the fulfillment of your ON time (work), and the fulfillment of your ON time will lead to your growth and the profits of the company.

I believe that if you can do this naturally, rather than forcing yourself to achieve a work-life balance, your days will be more fulfilling.

I would like us to aim to be a company where all employees can play an active role. And I will be very happy if our company becomes a place where each and every one of you can find fulfillment and self-fulfillment in your own lives.

SUMITOMO RIKO President's Blog

The contents of this blog are compiled by the Public Relations and Investor Relations Department of Sumitomo Riko Company Limited as the secretariat and posted on the blog based on the speeches and wr