Job Offer Ceremony for New Employees in 2022

On October 1st, we held an online job offer ceremony for new career-track employees, following last year's ceremony.

At the ceremony, the Human Resources Department Manager read out the job offer letter to one representative, and then each one introduced themselves online.

We had them present on their hobbies, what they worked hard on during their school days, and what they want to do after joining the company.

Online get-together - Dialogue with prospective employees

After the tense informal ceremony and self-introductions, it was time for the informal get-together to deepen exchanges and friendship among the prospective employees.

When I became president last year, the first thing I asked the recruitment group of the Human Resources department was, "If you are going to hold an online informal ceremony, please also hold an online get-together. Because I thought that with the current state of the Corona pandemic, simply holding the ceremony would not be enough to eliminate the anxiety of those who were offered a job.

It's sad that the event was held online again this year, but I would like to thank the Human Resources department members for organizing the reception.

The online get-together was designed to allow participants to talk to each other in groups of four or five so that they could interact more deeply with each other.

Since they were meeting each other for the first time and it was on the web, young and mid-career staff from the HR department joined each group to make it easier for them to talk.

In advance, we sent drinks and snacks (young members of the HR department had ingeniously chosen famous snacks from the region where our company is located) to the prospective employees, and I ate the same while interacting with them.

Many of the participants asked me questions even in the short time we had, and I answered them.

It was a pity that we couldn't talk to each group taking enough time as we had a full schedule and had to go around quickly, but I enjoyed the question and answer session from everyone's fresh perspectives.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for choosing our company out of the many companies. I really hope that you will fully enjoy the rest of your student life and grow as working adults in our group from next spring.

Although we only met online this time, I look forward to seeing you again in person on April 1st next year, so please show us your healthy faces!

SUMITOMO RIKO President's Blog

The contents of this blog are compiled by the Public Relations and Investor Relations Department of Sumitomo Riko Company Limited as the secretariat and posted on the blog based on the speeches and wr