Support for Awareness

I recently attended the opening ceremony of “Health Lab Komaki,” a health promotion facility in Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture, which was completed on January 17.
I was invited by Komaki City to attend the ceremony because our Frailty Check System had been installed in “Health Lab Komaki.”
In addition to Komaki City Mayor Shizuo Yamashita, Professor Tatsuya Tanimoto of Juntendo University, well-known for his NHK Muscle Gymnastics program, attended the ceremony, as he was scheduled to perform the exercises after the ceremony.

Various Connections Leading up to the Introduction of the System

For about 10 years, we have been collaborating with Kyushu University (Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture) to develop a system that would further contribute to society through the use of our product technology.
The Frailty Check System using smart rubber sensors, developed in this collaboration, initially started in a lab* at Kyushu University to support the health promotion of Itoshima citizens.
*“Kyushu University Health Care System LABO Itoshima (nickname: Fureai Labo)” for industry-academia-government collaboration

In 2020, when I took office as president, I visited Komaki City, where attended by Mayor Yamashita, to introduce our activities in Itoshima City and the Frailty Check System.
Since our Group is committed to health management, we asked if we could contribute to the prevention of frailty in Komaki City as well.
At that time, we started on a small scale because of the Corona pandemic, but our activities gradually spread, and as of the end of last year, approximately 540 people in Komaki City had undergone the frailty check.
Our desire to make a social contribution to the community with our Group's product technology led to the introduction of the Frailty Check System.
In this way, we reaffirmed the significance of promoting local government and community activities together.

Co-Creation and Collaboration

Our Group is working to create value-creating colleagues and peers who share the same vision of the future society we aspire to, transcending the barriers between divisions, companies, industry, academia, and government.
I feel that it is important for industry, academia, and government to utilize each other's areas of expertise and characteristics, and to respect each other's autonomy.
Let us continue to promote co-creation and collaboration so that our technologies and products can contribute to society through cooperation that transcends our company boundary, as we have done this time.

SUMITOMO RIKO President's Blog

The contents of this blog are compiled by the Public Relations and Investor Relations Department of Sumitomo Riko Company Limited as the secretariat and posted on the blog based on the speeches and wr