What is an“Open Culture Workplace”?

The compliance questionnaire has started again this year. Have you answered it yet?

Every year, we use the questionnaire to ask you about your awareness of compliance issues and your workplace environment.

Of course, I read through the results of the questionnaire.

Because your answers will be an important source of information for us to improve our compliance efforts.

There is still some time before the deadline for responses, so please let us know what you think.

At the same time as the questionnaire, we are also conducting a compliance E-test.

This is a quiz-style case study that allows you to check whether your thinking is appropriate in light of laws, regulations, and corporate ethics when faced with compliance issues.

Of course, I took it as soon as I could.

I was worried if I would be able to answer all the questions correctly, but I got a perfect score right from the start!

Please don't forget to do the same.

Our Compliance Leader (CL) System

In addition, as part of our efforts to promote compliance, we have a workplace meeting (a place to exchange information on compliance), which is held mainly by the CLs (General Managers, Managers and Supervisors of your workplace, and other persons designated as CLs).

In order to solve problems and concerns in the workplace, the CLs devise a theme that suits each workplace and have the participants discuss, solve quizzes, watch videos, and so on.

I hope that you will use this meeting as a place for "Bad News First" and "Bad News Thanks," where everyone in the workplace can speak and share about compliance.

If you are concerned about the theme of the workplace meeting or how to conduct it, please consult with the Legal Department.

As you can see, the Sumitomo Riko Group has various systems to promote compliance.

On January 25 every year, we hold a Compliance Review Day (link) as a day to reflect on compliance, to raise awareness of compliance, and to report the results of the questionnaire to everyone.

What is an“Open Culture Workplace”?

The reason why we have CLs from your workplace take the lead in conducting workplace meetings is because we want you to create an open workplace with your own hands.

However, to begin with, what exactly is an“Open Culture Workplace”?

I would say that it is a workplace where there is good communication between supervisors and team members.

I've been calling for more communication since I took office.

We can recognize the current situation through questionnaires, gain knowledge through E-tests, learn from past mistakes through review days, and also revitalize communication within the department through workplace meetings.

I strongly hope that by each of you observing the rules, morals, and manners, we can all create a better company.

Through these efforts, let's aim to create a pleasant and open workplace environment where everyone can work comfortably.

(Our Compliance Promotion Character, Coco)

SUMITOMO RIKO President's Blog

The contents of this blog are compiled by the Public Relations and Investor Relations Department of Sumitomo Riko Company Limited as the secretariat and posted on the blog based on the speeches and wr